How Executor’s Friend Can Help
When you engage with Executor’s Friend you are partnering with an experienced advisor who can help you navigate the sometimes-overwhelming task of organizing or settling an estate.
The Estate Preparation Stage
Plan now, avoid confusion later
Who needs to be contacted?
Where are the important documents located?
What are the estates assets? What are the estates liabilities?
What is the plan for the disbursement of the estate?
Ideally the best time to start your work as an executor or executrix is while your family member or friend is still living and able to express their wishes ahead of their passing.
During the Estate Preparation process we will work with you and your loved one.
Create an Inventory of all Assets and Liabilities
Locate and create a reference list of all the important documents and most importantly where they are located.
Clarify and document your loved one’s wishes.
Gather the contact information of
Emergency Contacts
Professional Advisors
Health Professionals
Schedule a free 30-minute consultation to learn more.
The Estate Settlement Stage
Fulfilling your promises and duties as executor
During the Estate Settlement process after your loved one has passed away, we will work with you to keep the promises you made when you agreed to become the executor.
During this stressful stage Executor’s Friend will be there to help guide you through a checklist of estate duties.
If Executor’s Friend had already help you to organize the estate, we will use the information previously organized to help simplify the estate settlement process.
If Executor’s Friend was not involved prior to the passing of your loved one, we can still assist in pulling the information together to help you settle the estate.
During this stressful time, we will be there to help guide you through your duties beginning with the notification of friends and family, to arranging the funeral all the way to the final steps if obtaining a CRA Clearance Certificate and finally closing the Estate Bank Account. The average estate can take up to two years to settle and it is estimated that, if the information is not organized beforehand it can take 600 hours of work for the person entrusted with the task. Executor’s Friend is here to organize the estate ahead of time, reduce the workload, settle the estate more quickly and identify areas to maximize the estate while saving taxes and fees along the way.
Schedule a free 30-minute consultation to learn more.